Monday, June 8, 2009

Spirituality vs. Religion

This was written completely hammered. The sheer number of typos, grammar mistakes, incoherent rambling, and spelling errors made, deleted, and corrected were staggering. Don't let that deter you from reading this, however. There are still several very valid points and observations peppered within. I actually did put a lot of thought into this, despite the circumstances.

For me to say that I know all the answers and claim that what I say is an unquestionable fact would make me as foolhardy and arrogant as the so called religions of the world. What I say is nothing more then theory, take with you what you will, leave behind all that benefit you not.

Spiritual signs and things that happen in concurrence with how you feel. These are things that happen with what is happening that affects you deeply emotionally. Instances such as songs playing that fit your mood, TV episodes that fit your day to the T, and other odd occurrences that could be attributed to coincidence but are none the less unlikely. Is this the occurrence of "God", some random energy mass, or is there any explanation at all that is more than a mere farfetched grasp at a meaningful answer/existence?.

Typically, things like this occur during times of high emotion. Most see more of it during their teens and early 20's. Perhaps, due to the emotional and hormonal overload that youths often have. You can think of dozens of these off hand, I'm sure. The significance and reoccurrence of this can only be achieved by either being highly emotional or possibly prayer. Is there really that much of a difference?

Prayer is usually brought on by most human beings when they've been thrust into a highly psychologically stressful situation. Those intense feelings may, in fact, be the catalyst to a type of mental or high frequency energy output that can affect things around you in a "butterfly effect" manner. Basically, the essence of quantum physics applied to mental energy having a significance or real energy mass that, in turn, affects other objects energy and has a domino effect, multiplying this and affecting happenings around you in variable but often appropriate means.

As cheesy as a lot of this sounds, it does explain (and contradict) karma. Large negative energy vibrating off your surroundings attracts more negative energy and visa versa with positive energy. How this theory kills the karma concept, however, is that if an individual commits atrocities, without remorse and without anyone catching them, they will not feel a negative energy backlash. With this theory, only those that have hurt others, feel remorse, and have harsh feelings directed towards them have any karmic repercussions. Those that act in stealth and can kill undetected are immune to karmic backlash. Isn't that the way a lot of wars are won?

So, is there any intellectual presence within this "God" like energy has or is it simply blind energy interacting and causing "divine" retribution and salvation? I'm beginning to wonder. Maybe the mad DO have powers. By way of their overdeveloped/chaotic sensitivity and emotions. Ever have a friend that's completely bonkers and unexplainable shit happens when your around them? Same difference.

Is the truth of spirituality or "divine influence" is that it exists, but it is just as blind and unforgiving as nature? Does it just as easily devour the weak like a lion feeding on an antelope? By my quantum energy theory, yes it is and yes it does. Strength begets more strength, weakness begets further travesties. It's an unfair endless animalistic cycle.

So, from this theory, there is a God. It simply has no logic and smites who the hell ever. Typically the misfortunate. And the opportunistic, uncouth individuals of the world simply strive and succeed to be more powerful. Unless they have remorse. Only the truly wicked can ever rise to the top and the humble are preordained to crumble at the wrath of their own conscience.

Energy has mass that is equal to the emotion that created it, also it has momentum and inertia that can propel it through prolonged periods of time equal to that. This type of energy is not governed by space on a planetary scale, as far as I can tell. That is why someone's mom can die in China and someone in Canada can feel it. That energy is fully encompassing on a global scale and has a near instant response do to that. All are 1. One are all. That's some basic hippy shit there, but it ties into the energy theory.

God is a collection of all the energy and emotions outputted by all living things capable of this. God is as divine, wicked, intellectual, animalistic, artistic, or as void as the masses that create it. We are all God. I think that Jesus said that in the Bible somewhere. That's all a fairy tale but there is some validity in many fables and lessons to be learned. Remember the one about the boy that cried wolf? That didn't happen, that I know of, but still makes a good point.

FYI, in case you're wondering, the meaning of life is simply "to live". Nothing fancy, no bells and whistles. No fantastic surprise ending. What you see is what you get. Well, as far as life is concerned anyway, I'm not dead last time I checked, so I can't give you a play by play on the epilogue of this mind numbingly long and cruel story. Not that anyone else can, for that matter. Last time I checked the Bible wasn't written by zombies or vampires. Though, from some of the crap that is in there, that wouldn't be a surprisingly different book. The book of Rob. (Yeah, you know you loved that White Zombie joke, damn it!)

All religions that bear any result are simply another means to the same end. The Hindu, Jew, Christian, or Wiccan are all individuals that seek guidance in shape or form of a higher deity. None of them are right. None of them are wrong. What you seek is universal. It matters not your name but your cause. We all want to be a part of something that is bigger then us. Why are you fighting your own people? That is all holy wars are. Different religions are basically the same words written in a different language, long ago spoken, and distorted over time. Once again, sometimes there is no right or wrong. It is merely perception.

Prayer, spells, meditation, and curses, these are all simply another form of releasing your energy. They are all basically the same thing. Your energy has significance. Be it small, a pebble cast into the ocean may one day become a tsunami. There is a reaction to every action. Why should your feelings be any different? Believe it or not, your thoughts ARE things. You have them, don't you? They are there. They have weight. They have potential. They shape who you are and who you may become. A small drift of snow running down a mountain can often engulf all that is around it, increase is velocity, and become an avalanche. Our feelings of anger can avalanche into rage, then into hatred, then into our undoing, surrounding and encompassing your entire being and life. Love, hate, pleasure, and pain, these are all energy. Energy is a thing. It is real. It has a presence that can make or break everything.

Is there a guiding force out there? Could it be that the energy mass we know as "God",or whatever your religion dictates, does in fact have a consciousness? Have you ever felt like you were compelled to do or say something at a certain time and, unknowingly, evaded catastrophe? Could this be your spirit guide, dead friends and family, or your higher self? Maybe, assuming we're part of this larger force, a part of us is higher evolved then we know.

If we are indeed a part of a vast energy force, wouldn't that vast collection of souls and knowledge be more then you could comprehend? It is called your "higher power" in some beliefs. A force that is part of you, but you cannot control. Something that makes you omnipotent and an individual at the same time. Possibly, all our true insight comes from this "higher power" because, after all, we are really nothing but animals.

It was been proven that the human body loses weight after death. Energy can last possibly forever. Certainly, we are more then mere objects or we wouldn't have thought, as unevolved as it may be. I'm sure many of you have had experiences with "ghosts" or other phenomenon.

Are ghosts or wayward spirits beings that could not accept being part of a whole? Could they simply not let go of their individual selves and past agony? Would this not further prove the point that we are all subconsciously a part of a much larger being?

If you are an artist, musician, or novelist maybe you would have experienced a certain inspiration. You lose track of your self and start writing or playing things that you didn't think you were capable of. Suddenly, your mundane progression of musical scales becomes an original song that you wanted to write, just didn't know how. Perhaps, the article or story you're writing takes such an interesting twist, but you don't know how you came up with it. The essence of life is creativity. That is simply tapping into what you truly are, cannot comprehend, but is always there.

I realize some of what I say contradicts itself. That isn't always a bad thing. With uncertainty, there are questions, and without questions, we can never find the true answers. Very little in this world is certain. We simply perceive it that way. That can be applied to many things. Just because we perceive the ground as flat, does that mean the Earth is? There are different factors in many things that we see and feel. Sometimes to get a better grasp of the truth you simply have to step outside of your self and look at things from a different view. Often the same question has many different answers. If different people from all around the world were asked what color the sky was right now, they would say several different things. But they would all be correct.

I renounce religion because of what it is, not what it teaches. It is nothing but an outdated collection of stories that justify nothing but to teach a lesson. That lesson has been contorted through the vast years and often lost in translation. You must learn to comprehend the meaning of these stories and not take them literally. They are, mostly, the greatest truths and lies both, at the same time.

Science has proven that there is evolution. Whether you want to be part of it or not, Darwin's Law will catch up to you. "God", for lack of a better term, changes as we do. It evolves. Everything evolves. The higher being in us all is screaming for change. If we continue this way, we are all doomed. That is part of natural selection on a much larger scale. There is still so much potential in each of us that we could easily surpass that of even our wildest dreams. But, to do that, we must learn from our past, not cling on to it, and surpass it. That is why religion is outdated.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

7 Character Traits Everyone Needs

Courtesy, humor, reliability, tolerance, intelligence, empathy, and humility. Those are just a few of many essential traits that most people aren't capable of. The more people I meet, the more disappointed I am at the human race as a whole. I'm not perfect. Nobody is. But, I find it disheartening that so few even try to acquire most of these traits. Even if born into ignorance and hostility, it is possible to change the way we are. It is sad that rarely anyone ever tries.

Courtesy: This one is simple. It's as simple as holding the door for someone immediately behind you, opposed to slamming it straight in their face. Telling someone that you can't make it to a planned event, instead of just leaving them hanging. Returning phone calls. Saying "Thank you" when someone gives you something. Many of us sometimes forget about small courtesies from time to time. But only a douchebag forgets them constantly.

Humor: The ability to not take everything so seriously. Life is short, everybody needs to laugh from time to time. Laughter heals thy soul and keeps us from being miserable. Not everything I find funny, everyone else would. One person's sense of humor may be dry, another's twisted. The importance is not to be mortally offended when you don't particularly get a joke. Brush it off and take it all in stride. Remember, however, if you can't laugh at yourself, you have no right to make fun of anyone else.

Reliability: This is a harder character trait to achieve. It can be as easy as keeping a secret or as difficult to being a good parent. Most of us have people that rely on us. Some in small ways such as moral support, others in major ways such as helping pay rent. Regardless of what it is or how difficult it may be, reliability is one of the most fundamental aspects of whether you are truly a decent person. If nobody can trust you, you are the scum of society. The dead beat dad, the thief, the betrayer, the Judas, if you will. If you find that many people are relying on you, to some you are a hero. I doubt you'll get a book written in your honor, but to those that can rely upon you, you are beloved.

Tolerance: The ability to not judge another. Not everyone agrees with what each other does. As a matter of fact, you will be hard pressed to find anyone that agrees with everything you do 100%. The key is to not make false assumptions or dehumanize someone simply because your opinions differentiate. Slavery, holy wars, and various acts of inhumanity are all brought about by intolerance. That is one of the greatest evils in the world. Even if you "know" what you believe to be the "truth", that does not make anyone that disagrees with you inheritably evil. I think I've already written enough in other blogs about this one so I'll leave it at that.

Intelligence: If I really have to explain this one to you, you apparently don't have much. lol Seriously though, most of us are capable of achieving this even if you weren't blessed with it from the beginning. If you aren't always intellectually challenging yourself, you will find that, in time, this diminishes. Intelligence can be found in a myriad of sources: Books, experiences, friends, and even the Internet. What is important is that we continue challenging ourselves and constantly endeavor to acquire more. Sometimes, with continued learning, we realize that what we thought to be true is, in fact, not. There can only be answers when we continue to ask questions and seek the truth. It doesn't require a PHD or even a high school diploma to have this. There are many different types of intelligence. Too bad many people don't have any.

Empathy: "the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another." In other words, the ability to feel what another is feeling. I'm not referring to a psychic power here. What I am referring to is the ability to try to understand a situation from another's perspective. This and tolerance go hand in hand. How would you feel if someone insulted you? Would you be offended if someone called you a fat, cum guzzling, gutter slut? Probably. Then why would you do the same to another? Empathy is important in many aspects of life. It can be used as a tool for learning from other's experiences almost as if you've learned it for yourself. "A wise man learns from his own mistakes. But, a much wiser one learns from the mistakes of others." Empathy is something that you should always use when dealing with others. Unfortunately, not many people have this important trait. People will often insult others, behave rudely, and make jokes at other's expense. But, when someone does the exact same thing to them, they are suddenly outraged. Again, always ask yourself, "How would I feel if someone did/said this to me?"

Humility: Nobody is perfect, but very often do people think they are. There is a huge difference between confidence and arrogance. For most people, they can't differentiate between the two. Many people either suffer from low self esteem or think they are a God among men. They think they are more knowledgeable then anyone on any subject, regardless of their actual inquisition upon it. They believe that nobody is as tough as them. I've met many 5'4", scrawny and/or incredibly out of shape men that honestly thought they could kick anyone and everyone's ass. There's people like this everywhere. Humility has become something that the younger generations are commonly void of. I believe that this, at large, is something this generation's parents are responsible for. A prime example of this would be the "Paris Hiltons" of the world. They've been so thoroughly spoiled and lavished with undeserved attention they are delusioned to believe they are perfect. You see tons of pampered young girls that think the world owes them everything for blessing it with their presence. Often, after coasting through life for so long with only looks and no brains, they either get a reality check or become whores. Each and every one of you has a fault. Hell, I know I have tons. It's through admittance of these faults that we can become better people and continue to evolve. Just because you're "you" that doesn't make you superior by default. Humility is an essential trait to have if you ever want to become better at anything. And, besides, nobody likes a tool.