Thursday, June 4, 2009

7 Character Traits Everyone Needs

Courtesy, humor, reliability, tolerance, intelligence, empathy, and humility. Those are just a few of many essential traits that most people aren't capable of. The more people I meet, the more disappointed I am at the human race as a whole. I'm not perfect. Nobody is. But, I find it disheartening that so few even try to acquire most of these traits. Even if born into ignorance and hostility, it is possible to change the way we are. It is sad that rarely anyone ever tries.

Courtesy: This one is simple. It's as simple as holding the door for someone immediately behind you, opposed to slamming it straight in their face. Telling someone that you can't make it to a planned event, instead of just leaving them hanging. Returning phone calls. Saying "Thank you" when someone gives you something. Many of us sometimes forget about small courtesies from time to time. But only a douchebag forgets them constantly.

Humor: The ability to not take everything so seriously. Life is short, everybody needs to laugh from time to time. Laughter heals thy soul and keeps us from being miserable. Not everything I find funny, everyone else would. One person's sense of humor may be dry, another's twisted. The importance is not to be mortally offended when you don't particularly get a joke. Brush it off and take it all in stride. Remember, however, if you can't laugh at yourself, you have no right to make fun of anyone else.

Reliability: This is a harder character trait to achieve. It can be as easy as keeping a secret or as difficult to being a good parent. Most of us have people that rely on us. Some in small ways such as moral support, others in major ways such as helping pay rent. Regardless of what it is or how difficult it may be, reliability is one of the most fundamental aspects of whether you are truly a decent person. If nobody can trust you, you are the scum of society. The dead beat dad, the thief, the betrayer, the Judas, if you will. If you find that many people are relying on you, to some you are a hero. I doubt you'll get a book written in your honor, but to those that can rely upon you, you are beloved.

Tolerance: The ability to not judge another. Not everyone agrees with what each other does. As a matter of fact, you will be hard pressed to find anyone that agrees with everything you do 100%. The key is to not make false assumptions or dehumanize someone simply because your opinions differentiate. Slavery, holy wars, and various acts of inhumanity are all brought about by intolerance. That is one of the greatest evils in the world. Even if you "know" what you believe to be the "truth", that does not make anyone that disagrees with you inheritably evil. I think I've already written enough in other blogs about this one so I'll leave it at that.

Intelligence: If I really have to explain this one to you, you apparently don't have much. lol Seriously though, most of us are capable of achieving this even if you weren't blessed with it from the beginning. If you aren't always intellectually challenging yourself, you will find that, in time, this diminishes. Intelligence can be found in a myriad of sources: Books, experiences, friends, and even the Internet. What is important is that we continue challenging ourselves and constantly endeavor to acquire more. Sometimes, with continued learning, we realize that what we thought to be true is, in fact, not. There can only be answers when we continue to ask questions and seek the truth. It doesn't require a PHD or even a high school diploma to have this. There are many different types of intelligence. Too bad many people don't have any.

Empathy: "the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another." In other words, the ability to feel what another is feeling. I'm not referring to a psychic power here. What I am referring to is the ability to try to understand a situation from another's perspective. This and tolerance go hand in hand. How would you feel if someone insulted you? Would you be offended if someone called you a fat, cum guzzling, gutter slut? Probably. Then why would you do the same to another? Empathy is important in many aspects of life. It can be used as a tool for learning from other's experiences almost as if you've learned it for yourself. "A wise man learns from his own mistakes. But, a much wiser one learns from the mistakes of others." Empathy is something that you should always use when dealing with others. Unfortunately, not many people have this important trait. People will often insult others, behave rudely, and make jokes at other's expense. But, when someone does the exact same thing to them, they are suddenly outraged. Again, always ask yourself, "How would I feel if someone did/said this to me?"

Humility: Nobody is perfect, but very often do people think they are. There is a huge difference between confidence and arrogance. For most people, they can't differentiate between the two. Many people either suffer from low self esteem or think they are a God among men. They think they are more knowledgeable then anyone on any subject, regardless of their actual inquisition upon it. They believe that nobody is as tough as them. I've met many 5'4", scrawny and/or incredibly out of shape men that honestly thought they could kick anyone and everyone's ass. There's people like this everywhere. Humility has become something that the younger generations are commonly void of. I believe that this, at large, is something this generation's parents are responsible for. A prime example of this would be the "Paris Hiltons" of the world. They've been so thoroughly spoiled and lavished with undeserved attention they are delusioned to believe they are perfect. You see tons of pampered young girls that think the world owes them everything for blessing it with their presence. Often, after coasting through life for so long with only looks and no brains, they either get a reality check or become whores. Each and every one of you has a fault. Hell, I know I have tons. It's through admittance of these faults that we can become better people and continue to evolve. Just because you're "you" that doesn't make you superior by default. Humility is an essential trait to have if you ever want to become better at anything. And, besides, nobody likes a tool.

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